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Make your Twitter sidebar transparent and invisible

You must be logged into for this to work! And it seems to work best from old Twitter—you can switch back to New Twitter afterwards. Try a different browser if you get an error. Test show Twitter hasn't changed this—it's still working! You will likely have to reset your browser cache to see the results (see for tips).

It's possible you won't have to follow the steps in as much detail as I've put them down here, but this is what seems to work for everyone:

STEP 1: Click here to access your profile design settings: and then click the button for "Change design colors." Now clear your browser's cache (see for tips) and then copy the code between the lines below (don't copy the lines!):

document.getElementById("user_profile_sidebar_fill_color").value = '';document.getElementById("title_theme").innerHTML = 'Click The Save Changes Button At Bottom To Finish!!';void(0);

STEP 2: Delete the URL (website address) in the address bar at the top of your browser (Where is my address bar? See also: Address bars in different browsers).

STEP 3: Paste the code in where the website address was and type "javascript:" (without the quotes) at the beginning of the line. Now press enter on your keyboard. The URL will probably return .

STEP 4: Find and click the "save changes" button just above the bottom of your screen. It should look like this:

STEP 5: Clear your browser's cache again and check your profile page (see for tips)

You may not notice anything different, but you did it! (When you first enter the script and press enter, the example sidebar will not become transparent.) The sidebar on your Twitter page (go there to check) should now be transparent.

1 comment:

Blogger said...

Did you know that you can create short links with Shortest and make dollars for every visitor to your short urls.