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Online Radio

This article lists some of the online radio streams to enjoy listening
to after a hard day of work.

We tested with VLC.

How to: VLC -> Open Network Stream.

Here are some online radio stream address I have been listening to recently:

2ser 107 -

Jamaica FM 106 -

FM 107 Vanuatu -

It's important to note your current speed. Consider a TVL ADSL home
package (128) connection cannot take streams at 128kpbs rate. Most of
the stream links posted above are dial-up, 56kbps, 24kbps rated.

Internet Relay Chat (IRC)

IRC commands slightly varies between servers for e.g. some servers
requires a /msg nickserv or /msg chanserv, but some discarded the /msg

Common servers we can always use because most usefull online services
are offered on are freenode and LightIRC.

LightIRC might not be popular as freenode or dalnet but we run a
special live text broadcast on the server for Vanuatu Football
Federation (VFF).

PICISOC and VIGNET chat channel are hosted on freenode and all Open
Source software like Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Debian, Postgresql, Apache,
Tikiwiki, Joomla, Wordpress, meego, Lisp, Drupal, SME, Perl, Suse,
Fedora, Mandriva etc... offered their support on the freenode server
as well.

The following commands are used mostly in freenode and here are the
commands I used today.

To summarize my command behavior, I connect to freenode server,
identify myself to be the owner of the nick or name I am using, then
join a new chat channel pacinet-2010 and register the new channel and
set the guard mode to 'ON' to get Chanserv to come in sits in the

List will show all channels hosted by freenode server.

/nickserv identify <mypassword>
/join #pacinet-2010
/msg chanserv register #pacinet-2010 <mypassword>
/msg ChanServ SET #pacinet-2010 GUARD ON

Here are some Freenode ChanServ Commands. Some other common useful
commands are whois, info, join, part, quit, clear, etc...

ChanServ gives normal users the ability to maintain control of a
channel, without the need of a bot. Channel takeovers are virtually
impossible when a channel is registered with ChanServ. Registration is
a quick and painless process. Once registered, the founder can
maintain complete and total control over the channel. Please note that
channels will expire if there are no eligible channel successors.
Successors are primarily those who have the +R flag set on their
account in the channel, although other people may be chosen depending
on their access level and activity.

For more information on a command, type:

/msg ChanServ help <command>

For a verbose listing of all commands, type:

/msg ChanServ help commands

ChanServ Commands

Help, Flags, Access, Akick, Taxonomy, Getkey, Unban,
Op|DeOp|Voice|DeVoice, Template, Recover, Topic, Topicprepend,
Register, Drop, Set, Quiet, Info, Invite, Why, Clear, Count, Status,
Topicappend, Unquiet.

Displays contextual help information.

HELP displays help information on all commands in services.

Syntax: HELP <command> [parameters]




Registers a channel.

REGISTER allows you to register a channel so that you have better
control. Registration allows you to maintain a channel access list and
other functions that are normally provided by IRC bots.

Syntax: REGISTER <#channel>


/msg ChanServ REGISTER #atheme

Manipulates specific permissions on a channel.

The FLAGS command allows for the granting/removal of channel
privileges on a more specific, non-generalized level. It supports both
nicknames and hostmasks as targets.

When only the channel argument is given, a listing of permissions
granted to users will be displayed.

Syntax: FLAGS <#channel>

Otherwise, an access entry is modified. A modification may be
specified by a template name (changes the access to the template) or a
flags change (starts with + or -). See the TEMPLATE help entry for
more information about templates.

If you are not a founder, you may only manipulate flags you have
yourself, and may not edit users that have flags you don't have. For
this purpose, +v grants +V, +h grants +H, +o grants +O and +r grants

If you do not have +f you may still remove your own access with -*.

Syntax: FLAGS <#channel> [nickname|hostmask template]
Syntax: FLAGS <#channel> [nickname|hostmask flag_changes]


+v - Enables use of the voice/devoice commands.
+V - Enables automatic voice.
+o - Enables use of the op/deop commands.
+O - Enables automatic op.
+s - Enables use of the set command.
+i - Enables use of the invite and getkey commands.
+r - Enables use of the kick, ban, and kickban commands.
+R - Enables use of the recover and clear commands.
+f - Enables modification of channel access lists.
+t - Enables use of the topic and topicappend commands.
+A - Enables viewing of channel access lists.
+F - Grants full founder access.
+b - Enables automatic kickban.

The special permission +* adds all permissions except +b and +F.
The special permission -* removes all permissions including +b and +F.


/msg ChanServ FLAGS #foo
/msg ChanServ FLAGS #foo foo!* VOP
/msg ChanServ FLAGS #foo foo!* -V+oO
/msg ChanServ FLAGS #foo foo!* -*
/msg ChanServ FLAGS #foo foo +oOtsi
/msg ChanServ FLAGS #foo TroubleUser!*@* +b

Drops a channel registration.

DROP allows you to "unregister" a registered channel.

Once you DROP a channel all of the data associated with it (access
lists, etc) are removed and cannot be restored.

See help on SET FOUNDER and FLAGS for transferring a channel to another user.

Syntax: DROP <#channel>


/msg ChanServ DROP #foo

Manipulates channel access lists.

The ACCESS command allows displaying and changing privileges on channels.

The LIST subcommand displays a list of users and their privileges.

Syntax: ACCESS <#channel> LIST

The ADD subcommand adds a user to the access list or changes their
privileges if they were already on the access list.

If the level field is specified, it specifies the privileges to grant,
see the FLAGS and TEMPLATE help files. If not, the user will be given
privileges appropriate for day-to-day management of the channel.

Syntax: ACCESS <#channel> ADD <nickname> [level]

The DEL subcommand removes a user from the access list.

Syntax: ACCESS <#channel> DEL <nickname>


/msg ChanServ ACCESS #foo LIST
/msg ChanServ ACCESS #foo ADD bar OP
/msg ChanServ ACCESS #foo DEL bar


Sets various control flags.

SET allows you to set various control flags for channels that change
the way certain operations are performed on them.

For more specific help use /msg ChanServ HELP SET command.

The following subcommands are available:

SET FOUNDER allows you to set a new founder of the channel. The new
founder has to execute the same command to confirm the transfer.

Syntax: SET <#channel> FOUNDER <newnick>

If the new founder has not yet confirmed the transfer, you can cancel
it by specifying your own nick as the new founder.

Syntax: SET <#channel> FOUNDER <yournick>


/msg ChanServ SET #foo FOUNDER bar

MLOCK (or "mode lock") allows you to enforce a set of modes on a
channel. This can prevent abuse in cases such as +kl. It can also make
it harder to fight evil bots, be careful. Locked modes can be seen by
anyone recreating the channel (this includes keys).

Syntax: SET <#channel> MLOCK <modes>

(some may use modes your ircd does not support)

/msg ChanServ SET #foo MLOCK +nt-lk
/msg ChanServ SET #foo MLOCK +inst-kl
/msg ChanServ SET #c MLOCK +ntk c
/msg ChanServ SET #foo MLOCK +ntcjf-kl 2:30 #overflow
/msg ChanServ SET #overflow MLOCK +mntF-kljf
/msg ChanServ SET #foo1 MLOCK +ntlL 40 #foo2
/msg ChanServ SET #foo MLOCK OFF

SET TOPICLOCK causes ChanServ to revert topic changes by users without
the +t flag. Topic changes during netsplits or services outages will
always be reverted.

TOPICLOCK requires KEEPTOPIC and will automatically enable it;
disabling KEEPTOPIC will disable TOPICLOCK also.

Syntax: SET <#channel> TOPICLOCK ON|OFF


/msg ChanServ SET #foo TOPICLOCK ON

SET KEEPTOPIC enables restoration of the old topic after the channel
has become empty. In some cases, it may revert topic changes after
netsplits or services outages, so it is not recommended to turn this
on if your channel tends to never empty.

Syntax: SET <#channel> KEEPTOPIC ON|OFF


/msg ChanServ SET #foo KEEPTOPIC ON

SET PRIVATE hides various information about the channel from other users.

Syntax: SET <#channel> PRIVATE ON|OFF


/msg ChanServ SET #foo PRIVATE ON

SET SECURE prevents anyone that's not on the channel's access lists
from gaining operator or halfop status on the channel. This is useful
if you're paranoid.

Syntax: SET <#channel> SECURE ON|OFF


/msg ChanServ SET #foo SECURE ON


SET ENTRYMSG allows you to change or set a message sent to all users
joining the channel. Specify a <message> of NONE to clear the message.

Syntax: SET <#channel> ENTRYMSG <message>


/msg ChanServ SET #support ENTRYMSG Welcome to #support. Please do
not paste more than 5 lines.

SET EMAIL allows you to change or set the email address associated
with a channel. This is shown to all users in INFO.

Syntax: SET <#channel> EMAIL <email>

Using the command in this way results in an email address being
associated with the channel.


/msg ChanServ SET #chat EMAIL some@email.address

Syntax: SET <#channel> EMAIL NONE

Using the command in this way results in an email address being
removed from the channel.


/msg ChanServ SET #chat EMAIL none

SET URL allows you to change or set the URL associated with a channel.
This is shown to all users joining the channel. Specify an <url> of
NONE to clear the URL.

Syntax: SET <#channel> URL <url>


/msg ChanServ SET #chat URL

SET GUARD allows you to have ChanServ join your channel. Fantasy
commands will only work if this is enabled.

Syntax: SET <#channel> GUARD ON|OFF


/msg ChanServ SET #atheme GUARD ON

SET VERBOSE ON sends a notice to the channel when someone makes
changes to the access lists.

SET VERBOSE OPS sends a notice to the channel operators when someone
makes changes to the access lists.

Fantasy commands are always executed as if SET VERBOSE ON is in effect.

Syntax: SET <#channel> VERBOSE ON|OPS|OFF


/msg ChanServ SET #foo VERBOSE ON

SET PROPERTY manipulates metadata associated with a channel.

To delete a metadata entry, specify the name and leave the value blank.

Syntax: SET <#channel> PROPERTY <name> [value]


/msg ChanServ SET #atheme PROPERTY URL

Manipulates a channel's AKICK list.

The AKICK command allows you to maintain channel ban lists. Users on
the AKICK list will be automatically kickbanned when they join the
channel, removing any matching ban exceptions first. Users with the +r
flag are exempt.

You may also specify a hostmask (nick!user@host) for the AKICK list.

Removing an entry from the AKICK list will not remove any channel bans
placed by it.

The reason is used when kicking and is visible in AKICK LIST. If the
reason contains a '|' character, everything after it does not appear
in kick reasons but does appear in AKICK LIST.

Syntax: AKICK <#channel> ADD|DEL|LIST <nickname|hostmask> [reason]


/msg ChanServ AKICK #foo ADD bar you are annoying | private op info
/msg ChanServ AKICK #foo ADD *!*
/msg ChanServ AKICK #foo DEL bar
/msg ChanServ AKICK #foo LIST

Displays a channel's metadata.

The taxonomy command lists metadata information associated with
registered channels.


/msg ChanServ TAXONOMY #atheme

Displays information on registrations.

INFO displays channel information such as registration time, flags,
and other details.

Syntax: INFO <#channel>


/msg ChanServ INFO #foo

Returns the key (+k) of a channel.

GETKEY returns the key (+k, password to be allowed in) of the
specified channel: /join #channel key

Syntax: GETKEY <#channel>


/msg ChanServ GETKEY #foo

Invites you to a channel.

INVITE requests services to invite you to the specified channel. This
is useful if you use the +i channel mode.

Syntax: INVITE <#channel>


/msg ChanServ INVITE #foo

Gives/Removes channel ops/voice to/from a user.

These commands perform status mode changes on a channel.

If you perform an operation on another user, they will be notified
that you did it.

If the last parameter is omitted the action is performed on the person
requesting the command.

Syntax: OP|DEOP <#channel> [nickname]

Syntax: VOICE|DEVOICE <#channel> [nickname]


/msg ChanServ OP #foo bar
/msg ChanServ DEVOICE #foo

Explains channel access logic.

The WHY command shows the access entries an online user matches.

Syntax: WHY <#channel> <nickname>


/msg ChanServ WHY #atheme jilles^

Unbans you on a channel.

The UNBAN command allows you to remove all bans matching you from a channel.

Syntax: UNBAN <#channel>


/msg ChanServ UNBAN #chat

Channel removal toolkit.

CLEAR allows you to clear various aspects of a channel.

The following subcommands are available:

Clear bans will remove all bans found in a specific channel. If your
ircd supports other lists associated with a channel (e.g. ban
exceptions), you can clear these by specifying the mode letters.
Specify an asterisk to clear all lists.

Syntax: CLEAR <#channel> BANS [types]


/msg ChanServ CLEAR #support BANS

Clears #support ban list.

/msg ChanServ CLEAR #support BANS eI

Removes all ban and invite exceptions on #support (if your ircd supports them).

/msg ChanServ CLEAR #support BANS *

Clears all lists of #support.

/msg ChanServ CLEAR #support BANS +

Shows the possible letters.

Clear users will kick all users out of the channel, except you. The
channel will be cycled (recreated) if you are not on it.

If a reason is specified, it will be included in the kick message.

Syntax: CLEAR <#channel> USERS [reason]


/msg ChanServ CLEAR #ChatZone USERS

Manipulates predefined sets of flags.

The TEMPLATE command allows definition of sets of flags, simplifying
the use of the FLAGS command.

Without arguments, network wide templates are shown. These include at


When given only the channel argument, a listing of templates for the
channel will be displayed.

Syntax: TEMPLATE <#channel>

Otherwise, a template is modified. A modification may be specified by
a template name (copies the template) or a flags change (starts with +
or -, optionally preceded by an !). Templates cannot be the empty set
(making a template empty deletes it).

If the ! form is used, all access entries which exactly match the
template are changed accordingly. This is not supported if the
template includes or included founder access (+F).

There is a limit on the length of all templates on a channel.

If you are not a founder, similar restrictions apply as in FLAGS.

Syntax: TEMPLATE <#channel> [template oldtemplate]
Syntax: TEMPLATE <#channel> [template flag_changes]
Syntax: TEMPLATE <#channel> [template !flag_changes]


/msg ChanServ TEMPLATE #foo
/msg ChanServ TEMPLATE #foo user VOP
/msg ChanServ TEMPLATE #foo user !+A
/msg ChanServ TEMPLATE #foo co-founder +*-OH
/msg ChanServ TEMPLATE #foo op -*+vVhoti
/msg ChanServ TEMPLATE #foo obsoletetemplate -*

Shows number of entries in access lists.

This will give a count of how many entries are in each of the
channel's xOP lists and how many entries on the access list do not
match a xOP value.

The second line shows how many access entries have each flag.

Syntax: COUNT <#channel>


/msg ChanServ COUNT #oscn

Regain control of your channel.

RECOVER allows you to regain control of your channel in the event of a takeover.

More precisely, everyone will be deopped, limit and key will be
cleared, all bans matching you are removed, a ban exception matching
you is added (in case of bans Atheme can't see), the channel is set
invite-only and moderated and you are invited.

If you are on channel, you will be opped and no ban exception will be added.

Syntax: RECOVER <#channel>


/msg ChanServ RECOVER #foo

Displays your status in services.

STATUS returns information about your current state. It will show
information about your nickname, IRC operator, and SRA status.

If the a channel parameter is specified, your access to the given
channel is returned.

Syntax: STATUS [#channel]


/msg ChanServ STATUS

The TOPICPREPEND command allows for the addition to a topic on a channel.

Syntax: TOPICPREPEND <#channel> <topic>


/msg ChanServ TOPICPREPEND #foo bar
/msg ChanServ STATUS #foo

Sets a topic on a channel.

The TOPIC command allows for the changing of a topic on a channel.

Syntax: TOPIC <#channel> <topic>


/msg ChanServ TOPIC #foo bar

Appends a topic on a channel.

The TOPICAPPEND command allows for the addition to a topic on a channel.

Syntax: TOPICAPPEND <#channel> <topic>


/msg ChanServ TOPICAPPEND #foo bar

Prepends a topic on a channel.

The TOPICPREPEND command allows for the addition to a topic on a channel.

Syntax: TOPICPREPEND <#channel> <topic>


/msg ChanServ TOPICPREPEND #foo bar

Sets a quiet on a channel.

The QUIET command allows you to mute a user or hostmask in a channel.
Affected users will be notified that you did it.

Syntax: QUIET <#channel> <nickname|hostmask>


/msg ChanServ QUIET #chat AfterDeath
/msg ChanServ QUIET #chat *!*@*

Removes a quiet on a channel.

The UNQUIET command allows you to unmute a user or hostmask in a
channel. If no nickname or hostmask is specified, you are unquieted.

Affected users will be notified that you did it.

Syntax: UNQUIET <#channel> [nickname|hostmask]


/msg ChanServ UNQUIET #chat Diablo-D3
/msg ChanServ UNQUIET #chat *!*@*

Anti-virus vendors sympathise with McAfee over false positive problems, as warnings made of searches for a fix

by Dan Raywood, April 22, 2010

Vendors of anti-virus products have commented on the false positive
problems incurred by McAfee over the past 12 hours.

Mel Morris, CEO at Prevx, claimed that the flawed update is 'another
symptom of the increasing sophistication of malware writers and will
be a problem that will continue to escalate over time'.

Sympathising with McAfee, he said: "Criminals are essentially either
hijacking or mimicking core Operating System components by giving
malware the same name as many of these components. This not only makes
it much harder for research labs to spot attacks, but also increases
the chances of a false positive whereby something is wrongly
identified as a piece of malware.

"In the pressure to act quickly and get a cure out, vendors will
inadvertently remove critical OS components and disable millions of
PCs in one go. What many of these vendors need is technology that can
more effectively identify these types of malware attacks by tracking
them in real-time and automating the process of detection."

David Harley, director of malware intelligence at ESET, claimed that
the company was not going to capitalise on McAfee's unfortunate false
positive problem as such problems can arise for any anti-virus vendor.

He said: "It's an inevitable risk when you're trying to walk the line
between the best possible detection of threats and avoidance of false
detections. Fortunately, most false positives don't have such public
consequences, and McAfee deserves more credit than they've received
for their prompt response and attempts at remediation. Again, I
wouldn't expect less of a reputable vendor."

Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant for Sophos, warned that
hackers are exploiting the problem with blackhat SEO (search engine
optimisation) techniques to create web pages stuffed with content
which appears to be related to McAfee's false alarm problem. These are
on the front page of Google results if users search for phrases
associated with McAfee's false positive.

Cluley said: "It's bad enough if many of the computers in your company
are out of action because of a faulty security update, but it's even
worse if you infect your network by Googling for a fix.

"The hackers know that users turn to search engines when they are
looking for the latest news on a breaking story, and are lying in wait
to infect the unwary."

Finally, Sunbelt Software moved to offer McAfee enterprise customers,
who may be unhappy with recent events, six months of free maintenance
added to any new order placed before 30th June 2010.

Jim Moise, senior vice president of sales and marketing for Sunbelt
Software, said: "Based on recent events, we are seeing record numbers
of McAfee enterprise customers looking for an alternative solution for
endpoint security. In order to make the transition to VIPRE easier, we
are offering them a simple financial incentive to move to our endpoint
security solution."

McAfee antivirus program goes berserk, freezes PCs

McAfee antivirus program goes berserk, freezes PCs

By PETER SVENSSON, AP Technology Writer

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

(04-21) 14:45 PDT NEW YORK, (AP) --

Computers in companies, hospitals and schools around the world got
stuck repeatedly rebooting themselves Wednesday after an antivirus
program identified a normal Windows file as a virus.

McAfee Inc. confirmed that a software update it posted at 9 a.m.
Eastern time caused its antivirus program for corporate customers to
misidentify a harmless file. It has posted a replacement update for

McAfee could not say how many computers were affected, but judging by
online postings, the number was at least in the thousands and possibly
in the hundreds of thousands.

McAfee said it did not appear that consumer versions of its software
caused similar problems. It is investigating how the error happened
"and will take measures" to prevent it from recurring, the company
said in a statement.

The computer problem forced about a third of the hospitals in Rhode
Island to postpone elective surgeries and stop treating patients
without traumas in emergency rooms, said Nancy Jean, a spokeswoman for
the Lifespan system of hospitals. The system includes Rhode Island
Hospital, the state's largest, and Newport Hospital. Jean said
patients who required treatment for gunshot wounds, car accidents,
blunt trauma and other potentially fatal injuries were still being
admitted to the emergency rooms.

In Kentucky, state police were told to shut down the computers in
their patrol cars as technicians tried to fix the problem. The
National Science Foundation headquarters in Arlington, Va., also lost
computer access.

Intel Corp. appeared to be among the victims, according to employee
posts on Twitter. Intel did not immediately return calls for comment.

Peter Juvinall, systems administrator at Illinois State University in
Normal, said that when the first computer started rebooting it quickly
became evident that it was a major problem, affecting dozens of
computers at the College of Business alone.

"I originally thought it was a virus," he said. When the tech support
people concluded McAfee's update was to blame, they stopped further
downloads of the faulty software update and started shuttling from
computer to computer to get the machines working again.

In many offices, personal attention to each PC from a technician
appeared to be the only way to fix the problem because the computers
weren't receptive to remote software updates when stuck in the reboot
cycle. That slowed the recovery.

It's not uncommon for antivirus programs to misidentify legitimate
files as viruses. Last month, antivirus software from Bitdefender
locked up PCs running several different versions of Windows.

However, the scale of this outage was unusual, said Mike Rothman,
president of computer security firm Securosis.

"It looks to be a train wreck," Rothman said.


AP Business Writer Daniel Wagner in Washington contributed to this report.

FM107 Vanuatu Feed

April 2010

FM107 Vanuatu Feed

Stream client: Windows Media Player, Winamp, VLC, iTune, QuickTime, RealPlayer
Address: d
Time delay: 5 minutes
Language: English/Bislama/French
Broadcasting hour: 24 x 7

Promoting Free Software in Developing Countries

by Glyn Moody

Here's a paradox. Free software seems perfect for developing
countries: it's free both to obtain and to share, runs well on
low-spec machines and – an important aspect that is often overlooked –
can be easily localised. And yet the uptake of free software in many
such countries is poor, with Windows still dominating computing at all
levels. How is this possible?

Here's what looks like a highly plausible explanation:

If you live in a "well to do" country for instance, downloading 600MB
of data might be a matter of minutes, but to those of us who only have
1GB of bandwidth for a whole month, it generally is out of the
question. This first bottleneck alone puts Linux out of the use of
most people in developing parts of the world.

The post goes on:

The relative unpopularity of Linux in most 'developing' countries,
relative to Windows, can be due to many factors, but I strongly
believe that the issue of 'accessibility' is the overriding one.
Before you fire your comments about how Linux is free and Windows is
paid for, let me please tell you that in all sincerity and honesty,
90% of Windows users in 'developing' countries, run pirated versions.

This is what makes me believe that should there be the availability of
Linux CDs, then some inroads can be made. This leads me to wonder if
there is any initiative anywhere to the effect that the Linux
community in the 'well to do' parts of the world come together to make
as many copies as they can of their respective distros and send them
to potential user communities in developing parts of the world.

So, let's consider the options of how free software can be brought to
people in these countries.

There are existing projects like One Laptop Per Child, but that has
been something of a disappointment, not least because it has abandoned
its initial total commitment to GNU/Linux and is offering
Windows-based systems – the last thing developing countries need if
they are to escape from dependence on expensive technologies owned by
Western companies.

Then there are new initiatives like this one:

IBM, Canonical and Simmtronics today announced they will market a
low-cost, Intel Atom-based Simmtronics netbook in emerging markets.
The Simmbook will be preloaded with the IBM Client for Smart Work
Linux distro, based on Ubuntu Netbook Remix, and will first be made
available in Africa for just $190, says IBM.

That's a reasonable price, but still $190 too much for most people in
developing countries. The best solution remains sending out CDs and
DVDs that can be copied and handed out locally among people who want

It would be easy to create a Web site where people from around the
world applied for free CDs/DVDs, and where those in the countries with
more resources could burn those discs and send them out. But there are
a few problems here. First, there are issues of privacy: people might
not want to send their addresses to a site such as this. Then there is
always the danger that the discs sent out might not be "real" distros,
but might include malware. That can be addressed using MD5 hashes from
the distros concerned (for example UbuntuHashes), but that's a slow
process, especially on older machines.

What is needed, then, is for the discs to be sent out by authoritative
sources so that the recipients can be sure they do not contain any
(well, reasonably sure – nothing's perfect) malware. In fact,
Canonical already does this with its Shipit scheme:

Ubuntu is available free of charge and we can send you a CD of the
latest version (9.10 (Karmic Koala)) with no extra cost, but the
delivery may take up to ten weeks, so you should consider downloading
the CD image if you have a fast Internet connection.

That's clearly a great solution, but it has a big drawback, as the
original blog post quoted above points out:

please remember that Canonical as a company has limited resources, and
cannot meet all the demands from users. My first CD of Ubuntu was
Hardy which came via Shipit, then Jaunty, when I requested one for
Koala, I was told I'd reached my quota.

You can hardly blame Canonical for that: it needs to maximise the
effectiveness of this scheme by distributing its free discs as widely
as possible, which means one copy only. So maybe the solution is for
us to pay Canonical to extend that scheme. Fortunately, there's an
easy way to do this using the Canonical store.

On the page selling CDs and DVDs, it would easy to add an option to
buy copies to be added to the Shipit pool. There might also be a more
general option to append such an extra disc to other purchases on the
site – I'm sure that many people would be happy to add this to their
shopping baskets if presented with such a painless and relatively
low-cost way of giving Ubuntu to people in developing countries who
would like to receive discs. Then, when requests to Shipit arrive,
more of them could be met – including those repeat requests that are
turned down at the moment.

The Canonical store already accepts most forms of payment, so there's
no need to set up extra infrastructure. All that needs to be done is
for the store page to be modified accordingly, and for the scheme to
be publicised. And of course there's no reason why this should be
limited to Canonical and Ubuntu: any distro could set up pages with
similar systems allowing people to pay for extra discs to be sent out.

As well as the purely philanthropic aspect, there are good selfish
reasons why people might want to help spread free software in
developing countries. It would increase the market share of core
software like Firefox, and GNU/Linux, which would help
persuade more companies to support them, and more governments to adopt
them. It would increase the pool of programmers who can contribute to
free software projects, making them better for everyone. It would
also make it more likely that entirely new, indigenous applications
would be created for developing countries and their particular needs.
It might even lead to a whole new era of free software creation and

Sounds like a real win-win situation: how about starting the ball
rolling, Canonical?

Follow me @glynmoody on Twitter or

Chinese ISP 'hijacks' bits of the web

According to reports, a configuration error on a Border Gateway
Protocol (BGP) router resulted in IDC China, a small Chinese ISP,
briefly declaring itself responsible for routing to around 37,000 IP
networks. The Border Gateway Protocol is used by routers to indicate
which networks (autonomous systems, AS) they are responsible for and
which other networks they can access.

The networks (BGP prefixes) to which the Chinese ISP announced routes
primarily belonged to ISPs in the US and China. The affected networks
are reported to have included Dell, CNN, Apple,, and

On attempting to visit affected websites, some users found themselves
directed to the Chinese ISP's network. According to,
Deutsche Telekom also temporarily adopted the erroneous routes, but
because existing known routes to the networks in question were
generally shorter, in most cases the packets were not misdirected via
IDC China. reports that this was also the case for the
majority of US ISPs. Users in Asia are likely to have been most
affected by the problem.

This kind of incident is not unprecedented, but it reiterates how
sensitive linking autonomous systems via BGP is and how easily it can
be manipulated. By releasing specially crafted BGP information, an ISP
can in principle divert traffic to specific networks through its own
network and eavesdrop on that traffic. Hackers at the Defcon 2008
security conference demonstrated that they were also able to divert
and eavesdrop on internet data by manipulating BGP. An attempt by
Pakistan to block access to YouTube has achieved legendary status.
They announced on their border gateway a special route to the YouTube
servers which pointed to the null device. This rapidly propagated
through the internet, resulting in packets addressed to YouTube from
all over the world landing in a digital waste pile in Pakistan.

'Prefix Hijacking MitigationPDF' details potential methods of
manipulation and proposed defensive measures. Network operators are
also considering protecting routing information cryptographically.

Why my youtube video cache disappeared?

by Matt Temar

Environment: Windows 7, Firefox 3.6.3

I just watched a youtube video cache disappeared in front of me. No
idea where the file go.
[ How to find cache directory: Type 'About:cache' in url box and enter ]
[ or explore to

The video is now intact and can be played offline but where did the cache go?

A google search revealed over 40mb video size will disappear in Chrome
v4 and 5, a bug? still unclear, and could be other browsers too (users
have to test and provide results, maybe I have). others say file has
moved to another dir.
[ How: Open google and search for topic ]

Where did it go?

I checked my cache settings and I have 50mb cache size, path and
directory settings are correct.
[ how: About:cache ]

I decided to report the bug to mozilla [] and also
explore the steps to take in submitting bugs to mozilla but to my
surprise, the guide revealed not much have been reported on the issue.
Maybe I am wrong or maybe there is an easy fix.

Well more research could not yield better results, so I decide to
increase my Firefox cache storage size to fix the problem, let the
missing cache go away and maybe a bug not resolved in all firefox v-
and v+.
[ How: click Tools -> Option -> Network -> Cache ]

I need to restart my Firefox.
[How: Quit:silly ;) ]

Blogger Buzz: Blogger integrates with Amazon Associates

Blogger Buzz: Blogger integrates with Amazon Associates

DNSBL: how does it work, and how to create and build an own

A DNSBL is a DNS based [DNS = Domain Name System] blackhole list, which can be used ascountermeasure against unwanted mail spam.
One of the most efficient ways to block mail spam is to do it on mail serverlevel by denying incoming connects from spam sources, where the contacting remote machineis identified by its IP address which is checked against one or more DNSBLs on the fly.
The first DNSBL was the MAPS RBL (Realtime Blackhole List) by Paul Vixie in 1997.Since MAPS went commercial and RBL is now a service mark of MAPS LLC,the generic term DNSBL is preferred over RBL or DNSRBL in this article.

How does a DNSBL workThe mailserver checks the IP address of every incoming SMTP connect request against one ormore DNSBLs = DNS based black lists.
These BLs are just a list of spam-related IP addresses, implemented as a DNS zone file,so that the list can be easily queried by simple and fast DNS lookups, and hence the name DNSBL.
The "positives" entries in that zone file (following example in BIND format) are A records and TXT records like IN A
IN TXT "spam source, rot in hell" IN A
IN TXT "spam source, rot in hell"
* IN A
IN TXT "confirmed DUL range, please use your ISP's smart mail host" IN A
IN TXT "My-private-blacklist: test record. The list is active"
Note: all domain names and/or IP addresses given in this arcticleare just examples and unrelated to the real world.
Please note the reversed notation of the IP address octets (ip4r) as the address is translated into an articifical subdomain name. So IP address gets listed
The 127.0.0.x (the x to be greater than 1) is freely choosen by the zone maintainer. Entriesmay be grouped in such way that different 127.0.0.x may designate different classes of entries like spam sources, open relays, spam support sites, DULs, etc.
However, most mail server programs cannot see the difference, so it doesn't really matterfor the simple decision if we will accept a connection (= no entry) or not (= 127.0.0.x).
For testing purposes to check if the list is active and working, a test recordshould be there per convention.
If our mail server gets a SMTP connect from remote IP address and you configuredthe server do check the DNSBL, the mail server now does a DNS lookupfor the name (note the reversed notation of the IP address octets (ip4r)) and will get the following information from the DNS:
Address: text = "spam source, rot in hell"
Per convention, if the DNSBL returns a 127.0.0.x (for x > 1), it is a positive hit.
So the mail server now concludes from the positive hit "" that the connecting machine is unwanted and may terminate the SMTP conversation by sending a final reject messageconsisting of an appropriate 5xx error code and the TXT information from the DNS query:
"553 spam source, rot in hell".
No mail seen at all.

Next our mail server gets a connect from remote IP address DNS lookup for the name will returnthe following information from the DNS:
Address: text = "confirmed DUL range, please use your ISP's smart mail host"
So the mail server will see a positive hit and consequently sending a 5xx reject message
"553 confirmed DUL range, please use your own ISP's mail host"
to terminate the SMTP conversation. No mail seen at all.

Next our mail server gets a connect from remote IP address DNS lookup for the name will returnthe following information from the DNS:
can't find : NXDOMAIN
As there is no hit, the mail server will continue the SMTP dialogue with the remote serverand accept the incoming mail.
Everything is fine here.

Why an own DNSBL ?There are several public blackhole lists available, so you should NOT build anown one, unless you really need to.
Several specialized blocklists are listing open relays, SOCKS proxies,known spam sources, ISP dial up links (DUL), and others.Some wellknown DNSBLs are,,,,,, just to name a few. There are many others.
You can perform an online check of an IP address against the most common DNSBL lists
More Links: - DNSBL-listings. - Check an IP address against common DNSBLs. - Check an IP address against a long list of DNSBLs. - Long list of IP based DNSBLs.
One need for an own BL could be, that you need an additional own private list to additionally check some"special" private entries not (yet) covered in the public BLs, or if you need an own privatewhitelist to be checked before the public blacklists. You should, however, implement a privatelist in a way that it does not leak out into the public due to DNS mis-configurations.
If you really should think that the world needs a new public BL, please re-consider several times,if you are prepared for both the organizational as well as the technical aspects ofautomatic) management of the BL, setting up a database for the list entries and batch proceduresto automatically generate zone files from the database content, rules and processes (both manual and automatic)for listing, de-listing and expiring of entries, discussion and legal trouble with owners of listed IPs demanding de-listing against your rules,costs for the operation of several parallel servers to cover lookup demand load peaks anddenial-of-service (DOS) attacks,funds for the resulting data traffic bandwidth costs for normal operation as well as excessiveDOS-attacks,trouble with your network provider, who perhaps doesn't want to attract DOS situationswithin his network and will kick you because he doesn't want any trouble at all.

Howto: build an own DNSBLFor a DNSBL you need -- as the name already implies -- a DNS server.Depending on your environment, there are several ways to go.
The best way to build a BL would be to do it on a separate server with no interferenceto other DNS.
If you don't yet have a DNS server running on the server you want to implement yourown BL, then you may choose between several possibilities to set up a small own DNS especiallydedicated for that purpose. You can choose between a fullblown BIND as well as other softwarelike rbldns as part of djbdns,or rbldnsd.
Since my DNS runs under BIND, I don't have own experience with the rbldns or rbldnsdand can't tell you more about these.There is a Howto documentby Chris Wilkes on how to set up rbldns.
If you only have one single server, and there already is a DNS server running, then youhave basically 2 options.[As the DNS service is already running on port 53, you can't have another DNS on the samemachine on the same default port.] You can:
(1) adapt to this situation and implement the BL as an additional zone within that DNSyou already have, fitting into its given setup.
(2) implement an additional DNS working on another private port like 530, and define a zone on the already running main DNS with "type forward;"pointing to the additional server.
I have choosen the 1st option, which will be described in the following chapter.
Caution: be careful to not screw up your setup. Only a small private DNSBLmay coexist with the current load of your DNS. BIND may have performanceproblems with large zone files with many entries. The rbldns is said to handle largerzone files much better than bind.Don't risk or kill your main DNS performance with just an additional BL.
You have been warned and continue in the next chapter on your own risk.

Add a DNSBL on a working BIND serverFor a small domain site just being hosted on a single server, with SMTP mail and a primary authoritative BIND DNS serving just the site's zone on the same box, here is the easy way to just add an additional small private low-traffic DNSBL on that same server box.
The small zone file with the spammy addresses is just plainly written with an ASCII editor,doing the ip4r reversing of the addresses manually. No database or other software is needed.
In the following example configuration, the main domain is,
the DNSBL is,
all is running on the same server box with IP addess
Just do a search-and-replace to change to your own needs.
Step 0: Before you start: check your existing DNS setup for "" and ensure that everythingis OK and there are no current errors in your DNS setup.Create backup copies of the config and zone files, so that you could easily switch back, if would find yourself hosed later.
Step 1: Change your bind (named) config file /etc/named.conf to include the following:
options {
# globally deny public lookups and public recursion
allow-query { localhost; };
allow-recursion { localhost; };

# main zone file for the domain ""
zone "" in {
# we are the primary and authoritative server
type master;
file "";
notify yes;
# now allow public lookups just for this domain
allow-query { any; };
# allow zone transfer to your secondary nameservers only
allow-transfer {
xx.xx.xx.xx; yy.yy.yy.yy;

# private block-list in a delegated sub-domain
zone "" in {
type master;
file "";
# we already had set this in the global options, but just to be sure again:
# no public queries to our DNSBL !!!
allow-query { localhost; };
# don't know if the following is required,
# but it is perhaps not bad to definitely restrict
allow-transfer {; };
Step 2: Change your domain's primary zone file to include or looklike the following:
$TTL 86400 ; 1 day
@ IN SOA ns1 hostmaster (
2004032201 ; serial
7200 ; refresh (2 hours)
5400 ; retry (1.5 hours)
1814400 ; expire (3 weeks)
86400 ; minimum (1 day)
IN NS ns1
IN NS ns2.secondary-dns.xx.
IN MX 10 mail
IN MX 20 mail.other-mx.yyy.
ns1 IN A
dnsbl IN NS ns1
ftp IN A
mail IN A
www IN A
The "@" imports the domain name. Everything is on the same server except thesecondary nameserver. Important is the delegation of the dnsbl to an own nameserver"dnsbl IN NS ns1", even if it is the same.
Step 3: Create/modify your DNSBL zone file as follows:
$TTL 86400 ; 1 day
@ IN SOA (
2004032201 ; serial
7200 ; refresh (2 hours)
5400 ; retry (1.5 hours)
1814400 ; expire (3 weeks)
86400 ; minimum (1 day)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------- IN A
IN TXT " test record" IN A
IN TXT " verified spam source" IN A
IN TXT " confirmed DUL range"
; ----------------------------------------------------------------- IN A
IN TXT "spam source, rot in hell" IN A
IN TXT "spam source, rot in hell"
; a complete range using * wildcard
*.5.222.10 IN A
IN TXT "confirmed DUL range, please use your ISP's smart mail host"
; a complete range using * wildcard
*.223.10 IN A
IN TXT "confirmed DUL range, please use your ISP's smart mail host"
Step 4: After you are done, reload the nameserver with
rcnamed reload
or whatever your reload/restart procedure is.
Immediately check the log files for possible errors.As a quick check do a dig or nslookup locally on the server machine for ""and "".Then do a dig or nslookup on a remote machine for "" (should resolve,but most likely from a remote cache, so you cannot be sure at this time that you didn't screw up anything)and "" (should not resolve from remote!).
Then again check your new DNS setup for "" to see if you havescrewed up your basic DNS or not(don't check "" as this is running privately onone server only (the default would be 2 nameservers) and shouldn't replyto public queries at all).
Step 5:Reconfigure your server's mailserver to use the new local DNSBL you just created.
We are done.
This example may easily be adapted to host the DNSBL on a separateserver.
Disclaimer: the above eventually worked for me.If you try to implement the above, you will do so at your own risk.Be careful not to screw up your server/s or parts of the internet's DNSservices. No guarantees, and yes, your mileage may vary.
If you have any doubts, don't do it.

How to install's URL shortener in Gmail:

How to install's URL shortener in Gmail:

1. Go to Settings > Labs
2. Scroll down to the very bottom and click the radio button to
enable "Add any gadget by URL"
3. Click "Save Changes" at the bottom of the page
4. You should now have a gadgets tab at the top of the settings
page. Click it.
5 In the "Add a gadget by its URL:" box paste this link:
6 Congratulations you now have a URL shortener application right
inside Gmail!